Oedipus is a puppet in the hands of gods who struggles unconsciously through his medium of free will to avert the fate imposed by gods and tightens the snare around himself to accomplish the wish of gods with his excessive pride. Justify the statement with reference to the play.
Q.1: Oedipus is a puppet in the hands of gods who struggles unconsciously through his medium of free will to avert the fate imposed by gods and tightens the snare around himself to accomplish the wish of gods with his excessive pride. Justify the statement with reference to the play. Ans . Oedipus is a puppet in the hands of gods. The ancient Greek believed in the power of gods. They thought that their lives are driven with the will of gods. Gods dictate the persons in different ways. In Greek tragedies suspense and action is created through mysteries of life. The man’s fate is unchangeable and pre-determined was the belief of Greek which is called fatalism. Man is not capable of changing his destiny, he is a puppet in hands of gods. The Greek did not show any reluctance or doubt to accept the will of gods. Sophocles presents in his works that man has free-will but the supernatural powers do not allow him to act according to his free-will. He present’s the theory of Greeks, known as...